By Tamika Quinn
The globe over is filled with people of varied races and ethnicity. Every of these people have different faiths and beliefs which are originally from them or adopted from other communities. Variations in language and race are the beauty of the world. However, this has been proven contrary by the many tribal and religious wars. In trying to put an end to these commotions a group of individuals have started a global spirituality movement to put across the message of oneness. Here are some of the objectives behind their innovations.
Peace on earth is one of their major concerns. Many people lives are affected by war. Property also have been vandalized and looted. All these have been attributed to lack of tolerance among the inhabitants of the world. People have failed to accommodate each other on the basis of ethnic, racial and religious differences. Peaceful co existence can only be achieved if a universal movement is established to educate the masses on the vitality of peace.
Another objective is international morality. Every man no matter his creed knows according to his conscience what is good and bad. Religion has not played a considerable role in fighting vices in the society. This explains why activities such as abortion are on the rise and no one question this. To be able to counter this all people regardless of their faith need to come forward and fight for a common goal of decency. This can only be achieved if there is global unison in consciousness.
Unity among men is also an important issue that needs to be addressed among men. Many social injustices have been fought by people uniting in one common goal. Slavery, colonization and apartheid have been defeated because people of all divide putted aside their differences and advocated for equality. People have united and held peaceful demonstration that has brought about bloodless topples of dictators.
Universal harmonious living is the key to great increase in the rate of economic growth and development. Man need money to cover for his basic wants. The means used to achieve this depends on assurance of peace. Great economies of the world have achieved success in their respective economies due to peace. In other continents especially Africa, they are poor because of frequent wrangles. This shows why people need to put aside their differences and work together.
Failure by the existing religious group to consider teachings on the environment, has led to some to come up with such doctrines. Every human needs food and water to be able to live. This is guaranteed if we take good care of our surrounding. Also ignorance in conserving the environment may lead to upsurge in diseases.
If people were united in fighting against discrimination the world would be a better place to dwell in. Currently if a social group is afflicted by any problem it is only left to them to fight for their right. If for example white people would also advocate to an end in racism and the same reciprocated by blacks, there would be a sense of belonging and world citizenship.
In summary, if people were made aware of the importance of putting aside our differences, the world would be a better place to live. Some of our wrangles can be solved through negotiations without the need for war. These are some of the issues global spirituality is trying to address.
Peace on earth is one of their major concerns. Many people lives are affected by war. Property also have been vandalized and looted. All these have been attributed to lack of tolerance among the inhabitants of the world. People have failed to accommodate each other on the basis of ethnic, racial and religious differences. Peaceful co existence can only be achieved if a universal movement is established to educate the masses on the vitality of peace.
Another objective is international morality. Every man no matter his creed knows according to his conscience what is good and bad. Religion has not played a considerable role in fighting vices in the society. This explains why activities such as abortion are on the rise and no one question this. To be able to counter this all people regardless of their faith need to come forward and fight for a common goal of decency. This can only be achieved if there is global unison in consciousness.
Unity among men is also an important issue that needs to be addressed among men. Many social injustices have been fought by people uniting in one common goal. Slavery, colonization and apartheid have been defeated because people of all divide putted aside their differences and advocated for equality. People have united and held peaceful demonstration that has brought about bloodless topples of dictators.
Universal harmonious living is the key to great increase in the rate of economic growth and development. Man need money to cover for his basic wants. The means used to achieve this depends on assurance of peace. Great economies of the world have achieved success in their respective economies due to peace. In other continents especially Africa, they are poor because of frequent wrangles. This shows why people need to put aside their differences and work together.
Failure by the existing religious group to consider teachings on the environment, has led to some to come up with such doctrines. Every human needs food and water to be able to live. This is guaranteed if we take good care of our surrounding. Also ignorance in conserving the environment may lead to upsurge in diseases.
If people were united in fighting against discrimination the world would be a better place to dwell in. Currently if a social group is afflicted by any problem it is only left to them to fight for their right. If for example white people would also advocate to an end in racism and the same reciprocated by blacks, there would be a sense of belonging and world citizenship.
In summary, if people were made aware of the importance of putting aside our differences, the world would be a better place to live. Some of our wrangles can be solved through negotiations without the need for war. These are some of the issues global spirituality is trying to address.
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