By David A. Gonzalez
Also called social phobia, social anxiety disorder is a chronic form of anxiety which plagues many people, and is currently the third most experienced anxiety disorder in the US. Explained as an irrational fear of being in social situations, social anxiety can prevent sufferers from developing normal relationships, keep them from participating in activities and basically enjoying a normal life. Because of a constant fear of not fitting in, or embarrassing themselves, people with this disorder tend to be very anti-social, spending most of their time alone, or with only a specific few, trusted individuals.
While counseling with people, I attempt to coach them to see the brilliance that I see from my perspective. My challenge is to help them to identify the misconceptions in our lives and uncover those brilliant qualities within. When this process is accomplished I feel like a very lucky duck. Though it may seem very easy to go through this process, it is tricky to understand. Uncovering your internal brilliance may be simple, however, it isn't done easily. If I were to look at the clients I counsel as broken and screwed up, I wouldn't be able to help them be anything different.
In fact, I would not be doing them a service or being fair to them. A counselor doesn't really 'fix' broken people as much as they reveal the healthy person that is trapped within. When I counsel, I look to see the potential whereas their poor thinking traps them in anxiety. Together, the client and doctor work to create a healthy picture of being. The result of this shift in thinking comes in feelings of success, contentment, and optimism.
Treating Social Anxiety Disorder.Anyone whose fears of interacting with others, or of social situations has prevented them from doing things is experiencing social phobia and should look into treatment for it. Humans, by our very nature, are at least semi-social creatures, so being able to right this can be extremely helpful to aid sufferers in regaining a normal, productive lifestyle.Social anxiety is detectable in individuals - with a higher prevalence in females - from very early on, sometimes as young as only a few years of age; the typical onset is in early teenhood, however. Most people endure the condition for ten years or more before they are diagnosed and begin any kind of therapy, too, which can be devastating when happening throughout the teen and young adult years. There is also a high percentage of sufferers who do not get diagnosed at all, and continue to suffer. Therefore, it is important for either sufferers themselves, or the people around them, to take the symptoms of social anxiety seriously.The two main ways in which social anxiety disorders are treated are with psychotherapy, and with medications. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most widely used therapy in training people to overcome their social anxiety in teaching them to change their thoughts when they begin to feel their anxiety kicking in. It is frequently combined with exposure therapy, where repeated exposure to triggers is used to help condition the sufferer's reaction. These types of therapy can be ongoing as needed, depending on the individual and any other anxiety disorders they may also be dealing with.
In treating social anxiety with medications, anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs are typically tried, along with some CBT. Both beta-blockers and MAO-inhibitors are generally used to aid in reducing social phobia, but each person's reaction will differ, so it is impossible to say that one drug specifically will be the right one. Practicing other anxiety reduction techniques, as well as self-help methods which can be researched can all help as well, whether used in combination with medications or on their own. The most important thing to remember is that social anxiety disorder is treatable, and it is possible for sufferers to lead normal, social lives with treatment.You're sitting in a crowded restaurant for a work party. You know some of these people, but that doesn't matter. Feeling your sweaty palms and shaky limbs, you start to think of the questions always plaguing your thoughts in every social situation.What will they think of me? What if I do something embarrassing? Will they see my face turn red? Will they laugh?And the list goes on. The cycle begins and you have a horrible time, but can't even think about that yet until you find a way out of there. As the walls seemingly close in around you, your unease grows unbearably.This, my friends, is social anxiety. Plenty of people suffer from it. It may even seem surprising to you or you may be completely familiar with this problem. How to overcome social anxiety is a question many have.
When people become more familiar with the situations they are uncomfortable with, they will not only improve their confidence level, but will also build their social skills. This will gradually reduce their anxiety within a reasonable period of time.Medications,Three types of medications used for social anxiety disorder treatment are-benzodiazepines, beta blockers, and antidepressants. However, the best treatment for all those who are suffering with this disorder will depend upon the individual. Some people will be able to do well with self-help techniques, while others may need both self-help techniques and medication.
Secondly, in these situations, a person suffering from social anxiety will not be able to rid themselves of worry and doubt. Their cheeks may burn, conversations may seem stunted and awkward and they might seem on edge. They probably often wonder how to overcome social anxiety.Many more people in the world suffer from a social anxiety disorder. Some may only feel anxious in certain situations, say giving a speech, while others feel a more general anxiety in a variety of situations that are socially related. It is common for sufferers to be aware of their issue but not be able to stop it.How To Overcome Social Anxiety,You'd be happy to know that there is an answer for how to deal with your anxiety. There are several options. Much of it involves the mind and how a person thinks about a particular situation. This is why hypnosis can be might be a solution or a starting point for someone with social anxiety.
Hypnosis-What is it? Hypnosis is a trance-like state in which a person can focus and concentrate better. While under hypnosis, a person typically feels a sense of calm relaxation and can have lowered blood pressure and heart rate. This allows them to concentrate intensely on a certain feeling, thought, memory or sensation without succumbing to any distraction. It's an idea for how to overcome social anxiety because of this.Also, while under hypnosis, a person is more open to suggestion. This environment can be used to change the person's perceptions, emotions, sensations or behavior. It is done by licensed medical doctors, registered nurses, social workers, psychologists or others trained in hypnotherapy. Hypnosis by a professional, and not for entertainment, can improve a person's health and mental health greatly. No matter how silly it all sounds, people can truly benefit from hypnosis. That is why it can be a solution for how to overcome social anxiety.Typically, a professional hypnotist in a certified location will speak to a person to obtain a calm environment. Through this relaxed feeling, the therapist can talk through how to overcome your phobia. Depending on the severity of the person's problem, the therapist will start at the root of the issue. The person under hypnosis can think through their anxiety in a whole new light. Repeated sessions of this can provide relief for some sufferers.
Conquer the negative thoughts:A common cause of anxiety is reading the expressions and comments of other people wrongly and expecting a negative response to what you might say or what you might do. The trick is to make sure that you get rid of these negative thoughts from your mind and stay positive while talking to a group of people. Picture in your mind the response to what you have to say or do as positive.
Remember how it was mentioned to find who you want to be? That still applies and is a major part of the self-hypnosis process in order to overcome your phobia.Here are a few helpful steps to get going (how to overcome social anxiety):Write down positive things about yourself,Start small and push away any negative thoughts,Next, take note of a handful of situations that could improve without social anxiety.Remind yourself of these qualities and goals constantly.Following these steps, you can begin the hypnosis process. These are the basics for how to overcome social anxiety with self hypnosis:Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can go for at least 30 minutes.While sitting comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply, focusing on relaxing.Count down slowly from ten, imagining something like an elevator or cracks in a sidewalk.At count one, a door opens. Imagine whatever you need there and include your list.Continue to breathe deeply and say anything aloud if you think it helps.When you are ready, leave the room and count slowly upward to ten.At count ten, slowly open your eyes and feel the power in your own suggestions and calm.Next time you wonder if you'll ever feel comfortable socially, hypnosis may help you. It is even a solution for how to overcome social anxiety that you can do on your own.
While counseling with people, I attempt to coach them to see the brilliance that I see from my perspective. My challenge is to help them to identify the misconceptions in our lives and uncover those brilliant qualities within. When this process is accomplished I feel like a very lucky duck. Though it may seem very easy to go through this process, it is tricky to understand. Uncovering your internal brilliance may be simple, however, it isn't done easily. If I were to look at the clients I counsel as broken and screwed up, I wouldn't be able to help them be anything different.
In fact, I would not be doing them a service or being fair to them. A counselor doesn't really 'fix' broken people as much as they reveal the healthy person that is trapped within. When I counsel, I look to see the potential whereas their poor thinking traps them in anxiety. Together, the client and doctor work to create a healthy picture of being. The result of this shift in thinking comes in feelings of success, contentment, and optimism.
Treating Social Anxiety Disorder.Anyone whose fears of interacting with others, or of social situations has prevented them from doing things is experiencing social phobia and should look into treatment for it. Humans, by our very nature, are at least semi-social creatures, so being able to right this can be extremely helpful to aid sufferers in regaining a normal, productive lifestyle.Social anxiety is detectable in individuals - with a higher prevalence in females - from very early on, sometimes as young as only a few years of age; the typical onset is in early teenhood, however. Most people endure the condition for ten years or more before they are diagnosed and begin any kind of therapy, too, which can be devastating when happening throughout the teen and young adult years. There is also a high percentage of sufferers who do not get diagnosed at all, and continue to suffer. Therefore, it is important for either sufferers themselves, or the people around them, to take the symptoms of social anxiety seriously.The two main ways in which social anxiety disorders are treated are with psychotherapy, and with medications. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most widely used therapy in training people to overcome their social anxiety in teaching them to change their thoughts when they begin to feel their anxiety kicking in. It is frequently combined with exposure therapy, where repeated exposure to triggers is used to help condition the sufferer's reaction. These types of therapy can be ongoing as needed, depending on the individual and any other anxiety disorders they may also be dealing with.
In treating social anxiety with medications, anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs are typically tried, along with some CBT. Both beta-blockers and MAO-inhibitors are generally used to aid in reducing social phobia, but each person's reaction will differ, so it is impossible to say that one drug specifically will be the right one. Practicing other anxiety reduction techniques, as well as self-help methods which can be researched can all help as well, whether used in combination with medications or on their own. The most important thing to remember is that social anxiety disorder is treatable, and it is possible for sufferers to lead normal, social lives with treatment.You're sitting in a crowded restaurant for a work party. You know some of these people, but that doesn't matter. Feeling your sweaty palms and shaky limbs, you start to think of the questions always plaguing your thoughts in every social situation.What will they think of me? What if I do something embarrassing? Will they see my face turn red? Will they laugh?And the list goes on. The cycle begins and you have a horrible time, but can't even think about that yet until you find a way out of there. As the walls seemingly close in around you, your unease grows unbearably.This, my friends, is social anxiety. Plenty of people suffer from it. It may even seem surprising to you or you may be completely familiar with this problem. How to overcome social anxiety is a question many have.
When people become more familiar with the situations they are uncomfortable with, they will not only improve their confidence level, but will also build their social skills. This will gradually reduce their anxiety within a reasonable period of time.Medications,Three types of medications used for social anxiety disorder treatment are-benzodiazepines, beta blockers, and antidepressants. However, the best treatment for all those who are suffering with this disorder will depend upon the individual. Some people will be able to do well with self-help techniques, while others may need both self-help techniques and medication.
Secondly, in these situations, a person suffering from social anxiety will not be able to rid themselves of worry and doubt. Their cheeks may burn, conversations may seem stunted and awkward and they might seem on edge. They probably often wonder how to overcome social anxiety.Many more people in the world suffer from a social anxiety disorder. Some may only feel anxious in certain situations, say giving a speech, while others feel a more general anxiety in a variety of situations that are socially related. It is common for sufferers to be aware of their issue but not be able to stop it.How To Overcome Social Anxiety,You'd be happy to know that there is an answer for how to deal with your anxiety. There are several options. Much of it involves the mind and how a person thinks about a particular situation. This is why hypnosis can be might be a solution or a starting point for someone with social anxiety.
Hypnosis-What is it? Hypnosis is a trance-like state in which a person can focus and concentrate better. While under hypnosis, a person typically feels a sense of calm relaxation and can have lowered blood pressure and heart rate. This allows them to concentrate intensely on a certain feeling, thought, memory or sensation without succumbing to any distraction. It's an idea for how to overcome social anxiety because of this.Also, while under hypnosis, a person is more open to suggestion. This environment can be used to change the person's perceptions, emotions, sensations or behavior. It is done by licensed medical doctors, registered nurses, social workers, psychologists or others trained in hypnotherapy. Hypnosis by a professional, and not for entertainment, can improve a person's health and mental health greatly. No matter how silly it all sounds, people can truly benefit from hypnosis. That is why it can be a solution for how to overcome social anxiety.Typically, a professional hypnotist in a certified location will speak to a person to obtain a calm environment. Through this relaxed feeling, the therapist can talk through how to overcome your phobia. Depending on the severity of the person's problem, the therapist will start at the root of the issue. The person under hypnosis can think through their anxiety in a whole new light. Repeated sessions of this can provide relief for some sufferers.
Conquer the negative thoughts:A common cause of anxiety is reading the expressions and comments of other people wrongly and expecting a negative response to what you might say or what you might do. The trick is to make sure that you get rid of these negative thoughts from your mind and stay positive while talking to a group of people. Picture in your mind the response to what you have to say or do as positive.
Remember how it was mentioned to find who you want to be? That still applies and is a major part of the self-hypnosis process in order to overcome your phobia.Here are a few helpful steps to get going (how to overcome social anxiety):Write down positive things about yourself,Start small and push away any negative thoughts,Next, take note of a handful of situations that could improve without social anxiety.Remind yourself of these qualities and goals constantly.Following these steps, you can begin the hypnosis process. These are the basics for how to overcome social anxiety with self hypnosis:Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can go for at least 30 minutes.While sitting comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply, focusing on relaxing.Count down slowly from ten, imagining something like an elevator or cracks in a sidewalk.At count one, a door opens. Imagine whatever you need there and include your list.Continue to breathe deeply and say anything aloud if you think it helps.When you are ready, leave the room and count slowly upward to ten.At count ten, slowly open your eyes and feel the power in your own suggestions and calm.Next time you wonder if you'll ever feel comfortable socially, hypnosis may help you. It is even a solution for how to overcome social anxiety that you can do on your own.
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