Vitamins For Anxiety - Nutrients That Help You to Relax

By Bessie D. Burton

Anxiety Disorders are one of the most common types of psychiatric disorders in the United States. There are a variety of types of anxiety disorders, all with different symptoms, but they each share the underlying symptom of irrational fear. Panic Disorder is one of the most severe forms of anxiety disorder and is often classified as its own illness. It affects more than 2 million adults in America every year, but it seems to affect twice as many women as men. Panic disorder also accounts for about 70% of all anxiety disorder cases.

There are actually a number of different types of anxiety or panic disorders, but they are all linked by the underlying symptom of an irrational fear or anxiety. People with anxiety disorders worry about things that shouldn't cause excessive worry. Sometimes, this worry gets so great that it cause intense and debilitating fear. Many anxiety disorder sufferers can't go to work, attend social events, or even be seen in public because of their anxiety.

As well as being in oily fish Omega 3 is also in things such as flax oil and flax seed. Omega 3 supplements are also available.B Vitamins are a group of vitamins that are associated with general good health. A deficiency can lead to, amongst other things, insomnia and mood changes, not really the type of symptoms that you want to have alongside an anxiety disorder. Vitamin B is also thought to have a beneficial effect on people suffering from depression.

Vitamin D: When talking about vitamins for anxiety, vitamin D can definitely not be ignored. It is essential to reduce high stress levels. People who face Vitamin D deficiency usually face emotional issues like anxiety, depression and stress. Including this supplement in your diet will show positive effects in reducing anxiety.VITAMIN C: This is an essential vitamin for the proper functioning of the brain and the adrenal glands. If taken in excess it has a tranquilizing effect which can help to release anxiety. It also acts as an effective anti-oxidant that combats free radicals-damaging agents that reside in the body due to pollutants like cigarette smoke and digestion. Basically, this compound helps in the proper functioning of adrenal glands which help you cope with the anxiety.

Vitamin E: Although its effect on stress is still to be discovered completely, it is said that it is an effective anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate stress levels greatly.It is normal for us to feel anxious. Feelings of worry, fear, dread, and uneasiness are normal reactions to certain stress's. In fact, anxiety can even help you cope with difficult situations. However, when anxiety becomes too much, even at the absence of stress's, it may already be a disorder which could affect your normal life.

Anxiety is usually triggered by stress either at work or at home. It could be caused by personal problems such as family difficulties or financial instabilities. It could also be caused by problems at work or social activities. It is alright to feel anxious over these things, but if it comes to the point wherein the tension continuously builds up and triggers panic attacks-then you need to do something about it.There are several of treatment modalities for anxiety disorders. Anti-anxiety medications and therapies are usually prescribed by healthcare professionals. Recent studies have shown that in conjunction with these treatment methods, vitamin therapy can help reduce anxiety. There are two particular kinds of vitamins that should be included in the vitamins for anxiety. One is the vitamin B-complex and the other is vitamin C.

Vitamin B--1 (Thiamine) improves your energy levels and your general mood;Vitamin B--3 (Niacin / Niacinamide) eases your panic and anxiety symptoms, making it handy for a quick recovery after a panic attack episode;Vitamin B--6 (Pyridoxine) performs a few roles in the body, which include enhancing a healthy immune system, heart and circulatory system. It also affects the nervous system in a powerful way by regulating the body's level of dopamine and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), which is responsible for the times we feel self confidence, security and calm;

Vitamin B--8 (Inositol) has been highlighted as a good alternative to the drug fluvoxamine for treating anxiety disorder, panic attacks, depression and certain phobias - patients who were administered with inositol showed good recoveries from their anxiety symptoms without the associated side effects such as lethargy and nausea;Vitamin B--12 (Cobalamine) has been linked to increased levels and occurrences of stress and anxiety when it is in deficiency.The C Vitamin for Anxiety.Now, you've just gotta love little, dependable vitamin C, eh?!It is more well known for fending off common cold and scurvy, but it also has an important link to stress and anxiety relief. It is either taken on its own, or can be obtained from multivitamin supplements.

Magnesium - a dose of 300-400 mg can do the trick. This supplement is responsible for calming the muscles and help the nervous system work more efficiently. It is recommended to give a person proper rest and sleep.Omega 3 fatty Acids - this nutrient can be derived either through capsules as supplements or from raw foods such as oily fishes like mackerel and tuna. The fatty acids help alleviate depression and other factors caused by stress. It is also potent in making the cardiovascular system work in tiptop form.

Aside from the vitamins for anxiety, there are also herbal plants which could help alleviate anxiety disorders. Rhodiola rosea, for one, is known to relieve tension, nervousness, and anxiety. St. John's Wort has been shown to promote normal levels f neurotransmitters. Valerian root, on the other hand, can promote relaxation and can help relieve feelings of anxiety and stress. Winter cherry and passion flower, meanwhile, are known to alleviate irritability, nervousness, tension, agitation, and panic attacks.In addition to vitamins and herbs, there are also other nutrients which are known to relieve anxiety. 5-HTP or 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a nutrient derived from plants. It is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter which regulates your mood. SAM-e or S-Adenosylmethionine, meanwhile, is physiological agent which promotes healthy and normal emotional functions. This is usually taken as a supplement.

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